
Latest scientific and public events

EEGNet Spring Colloquium 2024

The EEGNet is hosting an online spring colloquium on May 23rd, 2024 at 11AM. Registration is free and open to all.

The Art of Imaging Exhibition – Sherbrooke

The next edition of the Art of Imaging exhibition will take place at the Sherbrooke Nature and Science Museum from mid-March to mid-April, with an opening event on March 14 during Brain Awareness Week.

Soapbox Science Quebec City

Soapbox Science Quebec City is currently looking for female speakers for their next event on June 8, 2024. Don’t miss this great opportunity to communicate your research to the public!

Workshop on Reducing Dementia Risk

A free workshop on reducing dementia risk featuring several QBIN researchers will take place on Tuesday, January 16, 2024, at 4th Space at Concordia University in Montreal.

Quantitative MRI Conference 2023

The 2023 edition of the Quantitative Magnetic Resonance (QMRI) Conference will take place online from November 29 to December 1st.

EEGNet Platform Launch Technical Preview

Registration is now open to attend the Technical Launch of the EEGNet Platform, which will feature a demonstration of the platform and invite questions and new users to participate in the platform.