From colourful images of microscopic assemblies of cells to brain scans showing intricate networks of thousands of connections, The Art of Imaging is an exhibition where art and science meet. Come and learn about bio-imaging through the lens of Quebec scientists, from the lab to the gallery.
11AM to 8PM – Visit the exhibition and try out a virtual reality experience by Paperplane Therapeutics that prepares young patients for a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan
11AM to 12PM – Free activities for kids ages 8-12 (more information below)
5PM to 7PM – Drinks reception with complimentary non-alcoholic refreshments and a cash bar
6PM to 6:30PM – How can art inspire science?
Special lecture by invited scientist Prof. Pierre Bellec from the Université de Montréal
For the best experience, bring a smartphone or tablet that can scan QR codes
Dear scientists of the future,
Get ready for an unforgettable experience where you will learn about how scientists can look inside the living body and uncover the mysteries of the brain!
Free activities for children ages 8-12
- Talk with our scientist ancestors & learn how they studied the brain in the past!
- Discover how brains are built & create your own brain model!
- Experience what it feels like to be inside the big machine we use to look at the brain!
Places are limited, so don’t miss out!