Cerebrum lecture series

The cerebrum team invites you to its lecture series held most Fridays at 3 p.m. from September to April. The lectures take place in person in room D-427 of the Marie-Victorin pavilion at the University of Montreal. The conferences are also broadcast simultaneously on Zoom:

*Link: https://umontreal.zoom.us/j/87218320621?pwd=TmFnTnBEZThxVjRhbkdBSHRnZkhadz09

*Meeting ID: 872 1832 0621

*Passcode: cerebrum

Cerebrum brings together a group of researchers interested in neuropsychology as well as cognitive and computational neuroscience at the Université de Montréal. Cerebrum also aims to create partnerships between academic, clinical and industrial players to accelerate knowledge transfer in neuropsychology and cognitive and computational neuroscience in Quebec.

The program and videos of past conferences are available on the cerebrum website: https://www.lecerebrum.ca. If you have any questions, please contact us at cerebrum@psy.umontreal.ca.

Come in large numbers!