Taking off the white coat

Sivaniya Subramaniapillai discusses how the pandemic has influenced societal trust in science and what we as scientists might be able to do to help repair it. A version of this essay placed among the top 100 contributors worldwide in the St. Gallen Global Essay Competition 2021.

QBIN General Assembly 2021

We cordially invite all QBIN members to join our annual (virtual) general assembly meeting at 2PM EST on June 10, 2021!

SciComm Seminar Series 2021

We are pleased to invite you to the SciComm Seminar Series 2021, which will be taking place weekly on Mondays at 2pm EST from March 29. Enhance your science communications skills and learn how to get involved!

Results of the Art of Imaging Competition

This year, QBIN launched its first Annual Art of Imaging Competition. Thank you to everyone who submitted an image and congratulations to the winners, who will receive $200 and have their image included in our future Art of Imaging Exhibitions!