Postdoctoral Fellow – Concordia and McGill Universities

The research groups of Hassan Rivaz (Concordia University) and Jonathan Afilalo (McGill University) are currently recruiting for a postdoctoral position at the intersection of ultrasound imaging and machine learning.

Postdoctoral Fellow – Concordia University

The IMPACT lab at Concordia University is recruiting for a postdoc position in development of novel machine learning algorithms for registration of point clouds and tracking surgical tools

The Art of Imaging Exhibition

The next in-person edition of the Art of Imaging exhibition will take place at the Montreal Convention Center from October 15-19, 2023, during the Amazing Brain Week and the World Congress of Neurology. The exhibition will be displayed in a public space and is free and open to all!

Pain and the brain: a real labyrinth! (podcast)

On the fifth episode of the QBIN podcast (in French), Béry Mohammediyan speaks to Professor Mathieu Roy to talk about bio-imaging and pain. They explore how bio-imaging has helped researchers like Professor Roy to better understand pain, which is complex and hard to treat.

Forget Tylenol, Try Passion: A Journey into Pain Management

In this blog post, McGill student Vanessa Krohn, delves into the fascinating world of research in pain management. By sharing some of the research conducted in the Roy Pain lab, she explores how distraction and the flow experience can influence pain perception positively, and how this fascinating research can be used to develop more effective and personalized pain management techniques.