Bourse postdoctorale – Université Concordia

L’Université Concordia de Montréal accepte actuellement des demandes de bourses postdoctorales en réalité augmentée et en ventriculostomie guidée par l’IA.

Plus d’informations sont disponibles en anglais ci-dessous

Concordia University in Montreal, Canada is currently accepting applications for postdoctoral fellowships valued at $50,000 per year (plus benefits) for each of two years, in the following discipline:

Research program title:                                              Augmented reality and AI-guided ventriculostomy
Supervisor(s):Dr. Marta Kersten-Oertel Dr. Yiming Xiao
Reference Number:11003
Program description (up to 200 words):The Horizon postdoctoral fellow (HPDF) will be a member of the Applied Perception Labet du Health-X Lab in the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering. The aim of the research program is to develop and test a novel, low-cost and easily portable image-guidance system for ventriculostomy, one of the most frequent and lifesaving neurosurgical procedures. The HPDF will develop novel methods and software for transcranial ultrasound registration, tracking of surgical tools within the ultrasound images, improving the accuracy of vision-based tracking in commercial off the shelf hardware, and augmented reality and intuitively displaying the guidance and tracking information for the surgeon. The HPDF will have the opportunity to interact with our clinical partners. The developed system will enable widespread adoption, reduce complications resulting from human error, reduce the length of hospital stays, and in turn healthcare costs.
Academic qualifications required:PhD in Computer Science/Computer Engineering/Electrical Engineering,/Software Engineering with specialty in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Computer Vision, Medical Image Computing or relevant experience.  Excellent programming skills (C++, C# and/or Python); familiarity with VTK, OpenCV and/or Unity3D game engine; previous software development experience for Mixed reality and/or mobile devices is an asset; previous track record in hypothesis driven research; strong English writing and presentation skills.

Eligibility requirements: 

●      Applicants must not currently hold a postdoctoral appointment at Concordia 

●      Priority will be given to postdoctoral fellows who have obtained their PhD from another university although in exceptional cases Concordia graduates may be considered

●      Applicants must adhere to the postdoctoral fellow eligibility criteria outlined in Concordia University’s Postdoctoral Policy

Timeline and Application Process:

Researcher may add the application deadline and the start date of the project; however, the “Postdoctoral Fellow must start their appointment by March 01, 2023”.

Submission process:               

●      All documents must be submitted to Mareta Kersten-Oertel at

●      Please include the reference number with your application

Application checklist:

  •  One to three (1-3) page research statement demonstrating fit with the program described above 
  •  Current curriculum vitae demonstrating research excellence and a capacity for leadership in the domain (maximum 5 pages). 
  • Two letters of reference from academic supervisors or current employers to be sent via e-mail directly to: Marta Kersten-Oertel at

Concordia University is a vibrant research and teaching environment, with state-of-the-art research facilities and many research centers. Concordia is located in Montreal, Canada, a diverse and creative city, often ranked as offering one of the best quality of living experiences in North America. 

Concordia University is committed to Employment Equity and encourages applications from women, Aboriginal Peoples, visible minorities, ethnic minorities, and persons with disabilities.

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