Rencontrez les mentors du premier programme de mentorat du RBIQ avec des étudiants de cégep!

Par Estrid Jakobsen / 2022-10-21

Cet article est en anglais

Last summer, QBIN launched the first trial of a new program designed to engage CEGEP students in bio-imaging research and help graduate students and postdocs gain valuable mentorship experience. Three PhD students from the Integrated Program in Neuroscience at McGill University were paired with two CEGEP students from Dawson College to complete a 10-week research internship. 

Each PhD student was in charge of proposing a project and mentoring their two CEGEP students to complete the project from June to August 2022 and were compensated for their time. For the CEGEP students, their internships culminated in a poster presentation explaining their projects to their peers, much like a miniature research conference.

The pilot was a great success and we plan to expand the program to include more mentors and interns from across the province in summers to come! Read on to learn more about the program from the perspective of our first three QBIN mentors, Aurelie Bussy, Stephanie Tullo, and Isabelle Arseneau-Bruneau.

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