École d’été sur l’apprentissage profond pour l’imagerie médicale 2024

Une école d'été sur l'apprentissage profond pour l'imagerie médicale aura lieu du 8 au 14 juillet 2024 à l'École de technologie supérieure de Montréal.

Plus d’informations sont disponibles en anglais ci-dessous

This school is intended for medical imaging beginners and experts (students, post-docs, research professionals, and professors) who are eager to discover the fundamentals of deep learning and how it translates to medical imaging. We will walk you through the basics of machine learning all the way to the latest deep learning breakthroughs applied to medical imaging. As shown in the planning, the school has both oral presentations (15 hours) and 4 hands-on sessions of 3 hours each. During the hands-on sessions, the participants will be guided through the dos and don’ts of machine learning programs for medical imaging. Please see the program for more details.

Should you be a machine learning / deep learning expert to attend the school? No! That is the point of this school!

Should you be a programming expert to attend the hands-on session? No! Only basic skills in Python programming are required.

Learn more and register here »